Meet the Sophomore Class President Candidates

  • Franklin Amador

    Sophomore Class President

    "Every Knight Counts" is a slogan of inclusivity that is a constant reminder of me to welcome all friends no matter who they are. Coming in as a freshman at San Marcos, I was worried about how to find my way, but "Every Knight Counts" reminded me to make the effort to make everyone feel included which in return made me feel included and find my place at this school.

Meet the Sophomore Class Vice-President Candidates

  • Josephine Rocha

    Sophomore Class Vice President

    The quote "Every Knight Counts" really to me means having everybody in this school feel welcomed and belonged. As someone Hispanic at San Marcos High has been really fun to spread my culture with new people and have people try or see new things. I came from a small school with not many friends but coming here has made me grow and branch out. Every Knight Counts to me means that even though everyone may have different likings from most people, they still feel welcomed by teachers, staff, and students.

  • Natalie Perez

    Sophomore Class Vice President

    To me, the phrase "Every Knight Counts" means that no matter an individuals differences, in the end we can all come together and agree that every body, every knight counts and matters to our school community.

  • Wyatt Zaayer

    Every Knight Counts means that everyone matters and should have a say in what happens around the campus

Meet the Sophomore Class Secretary Candidates

  • Lennox Leath

    Sophomore Class Secretary

    I think that Every Knight Counts means that all San Marcos students are important in their own way, and deserve to be valued. It represents the fact that each individual student has a purpose, and belongs in the community just like everyone else.

  • Chloe Ley

    Sophomore Class Secretary

    "Every Knight Counts" means to include everyone in the school and that everyone's opinions matter. It means that everyone should be included and have an opinion.

  • Paige Tuminello

    Sophomore Class Secretary

    I was Honored to have had this slogan chosen. When I thought of it, to me, it meant that every opinion should be heard on campus. My role is to bring people together and represent as many people as possible.

  • Reagan Karg

    "Every Knight Counts" means to me is that people at SMHS actions can impact a positive change no matter the person. "Every Knight Counts" shows me that everyone counts in accomplishing tasks that will help and spread love through our community.

Meet the Sophomore Class Treasurer Candidates

  • Brenna Kirsch

    Sophomore Class Treasurer

    "Every Knight Counts" means that everyone belongs at SMHS. It means that SMHS is an inclusive environment to all students' identities. They should all feel welcomed, respected, and heard throughout our campus.

  • Malia Martinez

    Sophomore Class Treasurer

    To me, "Every Knight Counts", means every person at SMHS matters and every person deserves the best high school expierience. Everyone can bring their individual strengths and talents to our school to make it more inclusive. As an ASB officer this statement means that its important to treat every student and staff member with equal respect.