Meet the Junior Class President Candidates
AJ Turner
Junior Class President
To me "Every Knight Counts" means that everyone should be given a chance. A chance to do something great, a chance to achieve more than they have ever exceeded, a chance to be a part of this community because everyone should be given a chance. That is what ASB is about; using students from all grades to grow unshakable roots in this school to ensure a sustainable future for themselves. Giving someone a chance can be a game changer but you will never know if you don't give them a chance, and that is what "Every Knight Counts" means to me.
Madelyn Bloomberg
Junior Class President
For me, Every Knight Counts means that all students have a voice that should be heard. Meaning, every student has something to contribute and has the capabilities to play a vital role within our community at San Marcos.
Colton Walker
Junior Class President
What “Every Knight Counts” means to me is that everyone at San Marcos high school has a voice and know one is not included because San Marcos is a high school but it is also a community/family.
Meet the Junior Class Vice-President Candidates
Zoe Avant
Junior Class Vice President
To me, "Every Knight Counts" means that it's not just select people, like popular kids, that counts. It means to be respectful to all, and that everyone should feel as if they belong.
Airick Cruz-Ramirez
Junior Class Vice President
“Every knight counts” means to me that everyone at SMHS is heard and valued, That everyone’s voice is included in decisions made for their campus and that every knight has the power to do something about an issue and not be silenced in school.
Jaslene Gonzalez
Junior Class Vice President
To me "Every Knight Counts" means that everyone at SMHS is important, and that no matter what we are all Knights. There are so many students at San Marcos High school and it can be very easy to feel invisible. I had a rough patch during high school where I felt like my voice was not important. But the phrase "Every Knight Counts" reminds me that my voice is important and I have a place here at SMHS. The phrase also encourages me to be more welcoming to all because it's important that everyone feels like they have a place here at San Marcos. To me it's important to have a welcoming mindset during ASB, because in ASB you will always be working with teams of people you may or may not know.
Meet the Junior Class Secretary Candidates
Isabella Childers
Junior Class Secretary
To me, the phrase "Every Knight Counts" means one thing, inclusivity. Meaning that no matter what your background is, what you look like, what your hobbies are, or even what your favorite subject is, we are all people at the end of the day and you can't judge someone, or treat them differently no matter what you have seen or heard about them. Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect.
Meet the Junior Class Treasurer Candidates
Mylie Gallen
Junior Class Treasurer
"Every Knight Counts" to me means that every person at the school should have a say and an equal shot for anything on campus, everyone gets equal opportunities. This year's slogan means a lot to me and others on campus because it provides a sense of belonging. A time in this last year that the slogan stuck out to me was when we first picked it, once we announced the chosen words it made me understand the difference we could make in ASB to include the entire school.