Empowering Leaders & Uknighting Our Campus
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This is the official website for the San Marcos ASB Leadership Program. Here you can learn more about the students involved in ASB, events led by ASB, important information to know regarding school activities/events, and what San Marcos High School is all about!
ASB stands for ‘Associated Student Body.’ As an ASB, we strive to develop, within our members, the attributes of a leader which we all believe to be invaluable and indispensable.
Students share with adults the responsibility of planning and organizing assemblies, meetings, social and recreational events, rallies, elections, and other events. We actively seek input and ideas from our student body to produce a powerful vision for our student body overall.
Many opportunities are provided to those involved in the ASB Leadership Program. Students get an inside look into the governmental procedures and practices of the program, and can hold positions that equip them with crucial leadership skills.
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